Sunday, August 19, 2007

School starts tomorrow!!!!

@ 8.30am!

so screwed lah... dunno whether i can get up or not. haha. First day of school... still seems scary even though i'm forth year. How pathetic right? oh wells...

first week of school doesn't look that positive to me... like I never had to do so many things in a week for some time! Sigh.. the hazards of exchange. It took me lots of courage to walk into my parents room just now to tell my mum that I won't be home from Monday to Friday for dinner cuz of dance. I'm quite sure that's a record breaker. It's amazing that i managed to walk out of the room without mishaps. heh.

Was looking through my course outlines yesterday and it looks so damn heavy! My st gallen mods look absolutely puny compared to these... help! Oh well.. hope i can handle it! I've been too spoilt for the past 8 months. lol.

Year 4.. feel like an oldie. one more year of school to enjoy :)

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