Thursday, August 09, 2007

Happy National Day!! heh. i'm tempted to wear red and white today after seeing loads of school children doing so yesterday. maybe i should :) Anyway, planning to catch the fireworks later.. hope it's possible... heard its good.. and i must say that i fell in love with them ever since 2005's NDP. zm's trying hard to find a good spot. *hugs*

i had prata at jalan kayu with my parents yesterday and since it was an eve of public holiday, we had to wait like 45 mins for our prata to come. I suspect they ran out of dough or something. :S Our drinks didn't even come so eventually I went to get them myself. haha. I suppose there's nothing different about the crowd at kayu... groups of peeps my age or older hanging out and families with kids in pajamas. But what I really can't get out of my head is seeing an Indian foreign worker who walked past the place wearing a singlet with the words "Track & Field C.H.I.J" at the back of it! It's just weird!!! I know I have passed some of my IJ tennis shirts to my maid to send back to the Philippines and it's likely that some guy is wearing them (cuz most of our tennis tops then were guy cut), but that's not so weird if our school isn't there right? oh well...

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