Saturday, June 09, 2007

going through several blogs... and it's funny how the other exchange students are preparing to go home and are already back. all talking about last days being there....

... and i will be here for one more month, getting ready for the only peak season for this semester. not that i'm complaining.. but st gallen just moves at a totally different pace. tsk tsk. typical swiss. :P

But I think that like the others, I will miss this place when I go back home. Even now, I begin to realise that soon I will stop seeing kebab stalls, or rostis or bratwursts. :S And surprising as it sounds, I'm gonna miss walking up that crazy hill to school.. see the little kids play or sell flowers to the passerbys, hearing the birds chirp throughout the walk, and definitely the nice quiet and cool breeze. It's really different living here.

But this doesn't mean that my massive craving for Jalan Kayu roti prata and stopped, and i will only be able to eat it 1 month and 12 days from now!!

That aside, Siying and some of the Lund exchange students will be staying over one night. I'm not sure how the 6 of them are going to fit into the apartments, but hope it will turn out fine. I just wish I knew more about their plans and stuff cuz i haven't had much contact with ying. I am probably wrong, but somehow it just feels that they are not here to visit us, but just looking for lodging. :S Just hope it will be fun.. kinda getting lonely here.

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