Tuesday, March 28, 2006

late night talk

Okay.. wasn't very late night talk, till about 2 a.m. only.
Well, been some time since i talked to the rabbit. Finally told him what happened. apparently she sort of pre-empted him about it already.
He doesn't think it's my fault (but his opinion is not a very good judge), but he thinks what ying does is purely emotional. *shrugs* We talked about what actually happened. about why it was possible that she would react so strongly. Yeah, perhaps i was insensitive. becuase i totally forgot that she would be bothered by me. that I am also the factor involved. I thought everything was settled long ago, but i guess the situation changed, and the old problems rose again.

We talked about the initial situation, the beginning of the relationship. why he entered it. why there were problems. i should have just let things take their own course and not have pushed it. can't follow my beliefs all the time.
what's done is done. can't do anything about it no more.
sorry to all. it's 3 victims out of this relationship, not just 1.

uncompleted stuff

1 presentation done
1 report due. but i refuse to start
need to clear the claims
NEED TO FIND MY DAMN INTERNSHIP (will be screwed without it)
need to decide on my 2 majors *headache*

3 exam papers.. i thought i had two
correction: 3 heavy exam papers. cuz i haven't been doing my reading
and it's all readings. damn worried. i have to start early early early
but.. no drive to. as usual.
praying hard that i'll learn to be disciplined .. once again

he got his pink ic today... can't believe it. i lasted through his whole ns period! haha.. sigh.. amazing. waited for this day for so long. hmm... do i get a award? hee.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

morning train

4 hours of sleep but i'm feeling okay. being an attentive girl in class, though class is boring. I swear my prof makes me confused, even though the model is easy. grrr

met him for 20 mins in the morning, took the train together.
grins. short, sweet but great.
but still not enough.
I wanna see more of him before he is taken away from me again.

Monday, March 20, 2006

10 minutes of you is enough to make my whole day complete.
Thx amy, for understanding.
Thx manda.. needed a sense of outlet yesterday which i had no idea where else to find :)

and i'm gonna try to listen you baby, though as much as i understand your reasoning, and believe it, i still dunno whether i can swallow my pride for her anymore. At the same time, i don't know why i want to be so naive and ignorant, don't know why till now i can't grow up and still make silly mistakes like this. it is difficult always being aware, being worried about saying the wrong thing. it hinders. it spoils. it's unfair. Why can't things just be simple?

but it was nice to cuddle in your arms :P

hope you like your pink shirt.. walked soooooo much just to find it.
wouldn't have gotten into this if i wasn't looking for it. bleah. hmph. but no regrets. i'll still deal with my own actions :)

Sunday, March 19, 2006

lost for words

sometimes we question how important is our friendship to our friends? I got my answer from one. i admit that it was partially my fault in the first place, for me to be naive enough to believe that she can handle it. all i wanted is to share. not to keep things so dodgy and under the wraps. but i thought wrong.

and because of that, she doesn't want my friendship. I apologised.. but she asked to forgo the friendship for the second time? to quote " i'm done with you" i simply don't know what to do anymore.

so what's the point of putting in the effort, what's the point of stressing for someone, what the point of trying to make her feel better when she's down? so what happened to the 15 years of friendship? is it so easily replaced?

I gave in so many times to you girl, i not sure whether you know it. but it didn't matter, cuz it was a choice. but if i'm that dispensible, then i have no more to say.

Playing Tourist

Yesterday, me and wt had a little trip to sentosa.

It all started with a simple idea of going to the beach and perhaps get a tan (since the sun is soooo nice these days), which was first triggered by alina and rox going there the previous day and was mean to not invite me. bleah. So i thought it will just be a nice chillin day, go to the beach, do some reading, perhaps rot there then head back for dinner. the usual schedule.

But, out of the blue, we decided to take the cable car!! gosh.. it's been ages since i sat on the cable car.. sort of remotely remember taking it as a kid. and i really mean KID - prob not more than 8 years old. And I probably did behave as a kid. haha. Well.. it's the whole excitement of taking it again, plus viewing the ports, the plants in jurong island or sth, the top view of the star cruise (i couldn't see any tennis courts though), the sun setting, and more importantly, being able to experience it with my boy. :) It is probably both our wishes to be able to travel together, but for obvious reasons on my part, we can't. Well.. it was really fun just randomly 'travelling' around with him and taking photos... we went to mount faber too! my first time there. haha. pretty boring. but well.. it was fun with him around. Just exploring the place.. like tourists. We found this bar/dinner place and it's pretty reasonably priced. Very at tas profile, but worth going there one day.

To end off our day as tourists in Singapore, we went shopping! hee.. what else? I got a new bikini for $40. FINALLY! it is really taking me forever to find one. Wt chose it - it's pinkish purple. A bit revealing by my standards, but I must admit it's nice. hee. shopping purchase = happy girl.

*blissful sigh* so glad i decided to dump in my cam in my bag. *grins*

p.s. yesh i know my hair very messy.. but wth, it was windy in the cable car!

Thursday, March 16, 2006


I called the National Heritage Board today, 2 weeks after I applied for it. They told me that they have already chosen an intern and they did not have the basic courtesy to inform me or ontrac, and left my application hanging there. grrr...

Doesn't feel good that they didn't even bother to give me a chance. pout
HOpe i get the lego one.. I WANT AN INTERNSHIP!!!

my second attempt at blogging

Haha.. this is my second attempt at blogging.. my first one was done when i was in jc but it only lasted for a month the most i think. guess i'm not used to writing out my thoughts and feelings.
But... recently feel the sudden urge to try bloggin. This is probably triggered by a few points:

1) Attempting to maintain the caderas latinas blog - which i failed miserably
2) Applying for internship - well.. one of the job requiremtns for NHB was to be blog savvy. And since i've proved to suck at it (see pt 1), thought maybe i should start experimenting around
3) Been having more and more random thoughts in my head. Stuff that would be too troublesome to go into my diary, but i wouldn't mind penning them down.
4) I just want to write more! hopefully it will improve my writing skills...

So this is it!

P.S I so luuurrvve the template. green, female yet solid, and abstractish. haha. thanks whoever that made it. :)

happy rain