Tuesday, June 24, 2008

My June so far...

I applied for a handful of jobs as usual.. didn't get any of them again

I attended a jc gathering organised by thamster - nice to see them again even though we've drifted in general. great fun. i learnt that orange juice makes a damn awesome mixer and chivas rawks

I worked for 4 days selling acer lappies at the pc show. tiring but good $$. i learnt how to sell computers in mandarin.

I made a lot of new friends from rather diverse backgrounds.. most of them are younger than me

Since i felt richer after pc show, I decided to invest an additional $188 on my hair by chopping my curls off

I went to union only once

I suddenly have an urge to buy a macbook
maybe because I found out that facebook loads much faster on an iphone than my stoopid laptop

I decided to start reading again

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