Thursday, June 26, 2008


I got a new diary. expensive but perrrrfect. even though i went shopping with the intention of finding a simple, blackish one.. i ended up with a colourful one with lots of stripes. yummy. i simply adore the binding and the size.

on the other hand.. new diary probably means even less blogging! haha. maybe i should change it to more of a photoblog or something. dunno.. will think about that later.

speaking of photos.. i FINALLY sent some of my exchange pics for developing. looking forward to it. i also changed my blog pic.. nice right? took it when i was in switzerland.. (yesh! it's not an internet pic for once! haha). it's when i see photos like this.. i just feel inspired to go take more pictures or spend more time learning how to take better pictures. but whenever i think of singapore.. i just dunno what to take and my inspired moment just dies away. i love photography not because of photography itself, but because of the ability to capture moments that i want to keep in my mind always. the new experiences.. the excitement when i see something new. So i guess for now... i just have to keep in mind the possibility of taking awesome shots (like my header pic) in my future travels and improve my skills now :)

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