Thursday, June 26, 2008

changi beach

had an enjoyable evening today cycling and snapping photos. it was amazing actually.. ample opportunity to take good shots. and it was so empty.. we were pretty much almost the only cyclists around. with the sea on the left side, the airplanes landing and flying off, the huge coniferous trees around... it was awesome. felt so free. can't wait to the post the photos online :)


I got a new diary. expensive but perrrrfect. even though i went shopping with the intention of finding a simple, blackish one.. i ended up with a colourful one with lots of stripes. yummy. i simply adore the binding and the size.

on the other hand.. new diary probably means even less blogging! haha. maybe i should change it to more of a photoblog or something. dunno.. will think about that later.

speaking of photos.. i FINALLY sent some of my exchange pics for developing. looking forward to it. i also changed my blog pic.. nice right? took it when i was in switzerland.. (yesh! it's not an internet pic for once! haha). it's when i see photos like this.. i just feel inspired to go take more pictures or spend more time learning how to take better pictures. but whenever i think of singapore.. i just dunno what to take and my inspired moment just dies away. i love photography not because of photography itself, but because of the ability to capture moments that i want to keep in my mind always. the new experiences.. the excitement when i see something new. So i guess for now... i just have to keep in mind the possibility of taking awesome shots (like my header pic) in my future travels and improve my skills now :)

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

is my colour this season.

My June so far...

I applied for a handful of jobs as usual.. didn't get any of them again

I attended a jc gathering organised by thamster - nice to see them again even though we've drifted in general. great fun. i learnt that orange juice makes a damn awesome mixer and chivas rawks

I worked for 4 days selling acer lappies at the pc show. tiring but good $$. i learnt how to sell computers in mandarin.

I made a lot of new friends from rather diverse backgrounds.. most of them are younger than me

Since i felt richer after pc show, I decided to invest an additional $188 on my hair by chopping my curls off

I went to union only once

I suddenly have an urge to buy a macbook
maybe because I found out that facebook loads much faster on an iphone than my stoopid laptop

I decided to start reading again

Saturday, June 07, 2008

i love this

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missed calls

I received 2 missed calls last friday as well as 1 call today from numbers starting with 6222-... and nobody ever picks up when i call back. this obviously bothers me since i'm expecting calls for interviews right? and it bothered me especially when i missed it today! so bf suggested that i google the number and see whether it reveals what company is trying to contact me. this is what i found:



haha. that kinda concluded that the call wasn't important.

prudential is really on a recruitment high. i think this is like the 5th time they are trying to approach me. geez.

building my lego house :)

What i did on my 23rd birthday... was to build my dream house. well kindof. haha. yes.. i did a childish thing with Lego! I've kinda been eyeing this particular set since my lego days.. and since my bday plans were pretty spoilt due to bad weather, bf and i decided to spend the day building this.

heh. snacks while building. i still ended up with gastric though. dots.

it's really fun to see how the house is put together...
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roof building...

the completed product! :)

harry potter was tasked to clean up the house :P

always loved the details when it comes to LEGO. the bbq pit's lid can be closed when not in use. heh
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the girls celebrating my b'day :) thanks for lunch!

i bought the hat i'm wearing... birthday threat for myself. nice right!
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my bro modelling for me while i tested the new lens. lol.
just wanted to say thanks for everything :)

i wanna go zouk!
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