Wednesday, April 23, 2008

my first good union experience in a long long while..

i danced! with more than one guy that isn't my bf! lol.
yeah.. for the first time in my salsa life, i actually danced with more than 6,7 guys? i dunno. lol. well. .for the first time i have difficulty counting?

it was great.. thank god i didn't make THAT many mistakes.
i guess the difference this time was that the music was pretty nice... like how i imagine latin music to be like.. more exciting and more emo too. :)

night ended of with supper with bunch of my fav caderas peeps and some new peeps too.. so it was really cool.

the only sad thing now is that my dad forgot to bypass one of the doors for me and i triggered the house alarm when i got home... waking both my parents up. *sigh*. just hope they managed to go back to sleep so i wouldn't get banned from going out late on a weekday night again. *prays*

urgh. guess what. mummy just walked into my room and scolded me. she can't go back to sleep. f*ck.

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