Sunday, April 27, 2008


I have my first interview this coming Tuesday and I feel ill prepared for it. I fell pretty sick yesterday (suddenly just came crashing down) and had to forgo my big plans to club with a person that I've been hoping to club with for a long long time. Now.. as I browse through the job scope and the company website for the upcoming interview.. I'm kinda getting cold feet. I really dunno whether is this what i want.. do i want to make this my career? People ask me what do I want to do... and I don't know. I tell myself that I'm open to many options.. HR, events, hospitality, marketing, shipping...but am I really? I have no idea what suits me.. or what I am capable of. Am I a dynamic sort of person (events) or will I just be satisfied sitting in the office doing mundane work (HR admin)? There are so many types of jobs out there.. so which is me?

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Windows Live Writer

just trying out this new thing i installed...P4040198

looks pretty cool for now :)

my first good union experience in a long long while..

i danced! with more than one guy that isn't my bf! lol.
yeah.. for the first time in my salsa life, i actually danced with more than 6,7 guys? i dunno. lol. well. .for the first time i have difficulty counting?

it was great.. thank god i didn't make THAT many mistakes.
i guess the difference this time was that the music was pretty nice... like how i imagine latin music to be like.. more exciting and more emo too. :)

night ended of with supper with bunch of my fav caderas peeps and some new peeps too.. so it was really cool.

the only sad thing now is that my dad forgot to bypass one of the doors for me and i triggered the house alarm when i got home... waking both my parents up. *sigh*. just hope they managed to go back to sleep so i wouldn't get banned from going out late on a weekday night again. *prays*

urgh. guess what. mummy just walked into my room and scolded me. she can't go back to sleep. f*ck.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

dinner at seletar camp

just some random pics that i had in my camera phone... the following pics were taken at seletar camp/airport, near our dinner place. it's nothing like damsey despite the whole ex-army camp and dinner idea. currently it's still pretty much in its raw state and i love it like that. :)

An old plane! haha. digressing a little.. a tshirt that i technically can't use anymore! haha. somehow managed to get my uncle (working in the textile industry) to give me this victoria secrets top! lol!

loving mum and dad :)

how often can one find a place that is sooo flat and devoid of buildings in singapore! :) in the field behind all the cars are 'parked' aeroplanes. (see below)

dinner place. food's not great though.. unless you like ultra spicy buffalo wings. but i guess the environment makes it unique and hence it was almost fully booked by 6pm!


exams are finally over!!
... which means.. i've graduated!
sometimes it feels like just another day.. yet sometimes i know it might mean quite a bit more. first of all.. i've joined the ranks of the unemployed. haha. and i'll probably be spending my next week mass writing cover letters again. sulk. and when i look back, i remember those days when i think of graduation as the day i get my freedom. for e.g. the chance to be able to travel with my friends etc etc. everytime when my friends ask me for a trip, i'll say i can't cuz i'm not allowed, and that it's only possible after i graduate! Whether this freedom thing is true.. is another issue altogether...

i know i haven't blogged in a long long while. reason being a) no mood. haha. b) i forgot my password! gave up trying to figure it out and decided to just reset it. technically.. i had a lot of things i wanted to blog about since my last entry.. my wonderful and funny vday, bailamos (our performance - mambo- was alright.. lots of little errors but nonetheless an acheivement for me considering how it is like my first full routine in great the senior girls were and i am glad i was able to kinda work with them for the last time.. proud of caderas as a whole), strat bpg successfully coming up tops (phew!), bf getting a job.. and quitting, my bangkok trip in week 11 and shopping like never before, bitching about studying for malayu under my incorrigible prof etc etc.

exams were alright as a whole..i've got such weird profs this sem. scm - prof pretty much copied all the qns from the 'discussion qns' in the textbook and malay, well.. my prof just used one of our worksheets as our exam paper. dots. am hoping to do decently this sem.. hopefully *crosses fingers*, get my first A? haha. yeah.. i know.. i very lousy.

After exam celebration was going shopping with bf.. bought a pair of expensive but damn comfy pair of shoes and had dinner at raffles hotel with parents. so guai right? haha. tt's cuz bf abandoned me for harry's and zouk! :P

well.. have to start planning what i'm going to do while i'm 'unemployed' and not involved in dance and have no grad trip. sigh. hopefully it will still be enjoyable. :) looking forward to meet everybody.. haha. need to find the $$ to do so though. broke :(

on my mind now:
i want alcohol
i want freedom
i want to be happy
i want a job
what shall i do this week?