Tuesday, December 11, 2007

no mood to blog! i so need to try and fix my vista settings.... nothing ever loads properly and that's depressing. Anybody a vista expert? lazy to play ard with my com. haha.

Anyway, i've starting my internship at Philips doing HR. lol. indecisive me.
It's HR, but i kinda enjoy it. the peeps there are no where near my age but they're nice, and i get quite a bit of freedom. I suppose it's a nice holiday internship.

i miss dancing. caderas peeps are like going union like crazy but i can't :( pout pout.

manda is leaving in less than a month's time to France! will so miss her... think i'm going to be really lonely in school next term... :(

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hello my dear...dun be sad!! we're meeting tmr right right? =) i will miss you a lot too...*sniff sorry the slumber can't happen...can't help falling sick leh.. i'll pop by training if i can on sat ok? =) smile!