Friday, March 30, 2007


Planning meals everyday is quite a tiring, and makes me kinda start to wish that there weren't 3 meals in a day :S The bright side of it is that grocery shopping is fun. I finally filled up my cupboard and my fridge with stuff that now i feel obligated to eat them all up....FAST. I've got lots of cheese in my fridge, and the thought of that makes me contented already :) The downside of grocery shopping here is that I have to wreck my brains to do so cuz a) i can't buy something irrelevant i.e. I must make sure i am able to cook it within the next few days or else it spoils 2) the more things i buy, the bigger the hole in my pocket.

Other than that, I think I ready to start a Migrol Fan-club. Migrol is the main supermaket chain here. and the beauty of Migrol is that is has BUDGET items. Budget eggs, Budget toilet paper, Budget towels, Budget cornflakes, Budget .... etc. (you get the idea). It's perfect for poor students like us :(

Anyway, yesterday a group of us Asians (2 Koreans, 2 HK, 7 Singaporeans) and 1 Canadian went to the nearby mountains (Santis) and a small town (Appenzel) to look see look see cuz German class was cancelled. It was an unexpected big group but I guess I'm thankful for the size. :) The mountains were gorgeous.. Santis is 2500m above ground and the snoooowww. haha.

The day was supposed to end off with a Cheese Fondue session organised by the Buddysystem. In general, we've been rather anti-social, and skipping their programmes cuz sick/tired, and were really looking forward for this. BUT call it poor organising skills. There were not enough chairs! It's a room that they rented and they didn't provide enough chairs! They offered us beer crates as chairs but honestly, i ain't that willing to pay 20 francs to sit on beer crates! growls.

Anyway, 8 of us left the place and decided to indulge ourselves.. and it was FANTASTIC. haha. We went into an Italian restaurant. It was the perfect way to end the day. The pasta, pizza and DESSERT were sehr gut! hee. We were lucky that the lady captain that day could speak pretty good English and was very helpful and patient with us.
It cost me 30 swiss francs, but think i'll definitely go back there again :)

Argh, time to a mini German test tmr + i got to prepare my take-out lunch in the morning. eeks. Exchange somehow feels tiring.. and i haven't even started my term.

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