Friday, March 30, 2007

just had my mini German test this morning. I think i created new german words :S

there's some University party at Zurich tonight. hope it's good and doesn't waste my time and $$.


Planning meals everyday is quite a tiring, and makes me kinda start to wish that there weren't 3 meals in a day :S The bright side of it is that grocery shopping is fun. I finally filled up my cupboard and my fridge with stuff that now i feel obligated to eat them all up....FAST. I've got lots of cheese in my fridge, and the thought of that makes me contented already :) The downside of grocery shopping here is that I have to wreck my brains to do so cuz a) i can't buy something irrelevant i.e. I must make sure i am able to cook it within the next few days or else it spoils 2) the more things i buy, the bigger the hole in my pocket.

Other than that, I think I ready to start a Migrol Fan-club. Migrol is the main supermaket chain here. and the beauty of Migrol is that is has BUDGET items. Budget eggs, Budget toilet paper, Budget towels, Budget cornflakes, Budget .... etc. (you get the idea). It's perfect for poor students like us :(

Anyway, yesterday a group of us Asians (2 Koreans, 2 HK, 7 Singaporeans) and 1 Canadian went to the nearby mountains (Santis) and a small town (Appenzel) to look see look see cuz German class was cancelled. It was an unexpected big group but I guess I'm thankful for the size. :) The mountains were gorgeous.. Santis is 2500m above ground and the snoooowww. haha.

The day was supposed to end off with a Cheese Fondue session organised by the Buddysystem. In general, we've been rather anti-social, and skipping their programmes cuz sick/tired, and were really looking forward for this. BUT call it poor organising skills. There were not enough chairs! It's a room that they rented and they didn't provide enough chairs! They offered us beer crates as chairs but honestly, i ain't that willing to pay 20 francs to sit on beer crates! growls.

Anyway, 8 of us left the place and decided to indulge ourselves.. and it was FANTASTIC. haha. We went into an Italian restaurant. It was the perfect way to end the day. The pasta, pizza and DESSERT were sehr gut! hee. We were lucky that the lady captain that day could speak pretty good English and was very helpful and patient with us.
It cost me 30 swiss francs, but think i'll definitely go back there again :)

Argh, time to a mini German test tmr + i got to prepare my take-out lunch in the morning. eeks. Exchange somehow feels tiring.. and i haven't even started my term.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

From St Gallen!

Hey all. I know that this entry is overdued. Well.. it ain't my fault if my internet decides to cock up in my first few days in st gallen :P

Anyway, it's currently snowing here. It's supposed to be spring now but somehow unexpectedly, the snow is here. Even the swiss pple were shocked. But the snow here is GORGEOUS. Apparently, there is pretty snow and not so pretty snow, and what we are experiencing here is pretty snow :)

There are 7 smu students here at st gallen. plus another 2 singaporeans who are doing their masters. The school's orientation program started yesterday and I think the main bulk of the program is the German classes. It's crazy. German ain't exactly the easiest language to learn. But it's a neccessity over here. For e.g. the school's computers and websites are mainly in German. Helllpp! I got a headache staring at them yesterday.

I kinda got lazy to post pictures up on blogger. Reasons being that it takes forever for me to upload and secondly, for some wierdo reason, my blogger is now in GERMAN. But! i've upload my pics on Facebook instead... so go get an account and add me!!! :)

Hope everybody is doing great back in sg :)

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

went back to school today for my resume critique, it was great bumping into those that i've haven't seen for a long long time. Pretty much bummed around in the lib with manda while we waited for nana for dinner. It's nice bumming around in school like that but i definitely don't miss studying. hee.

Anyway, we had dinner at Miss Clarity's Cafe, but i think the food was pretty disappointing this time. I think they overcooked most of their stuff. But company was GREAT! hee. miss hanging out with the two girls, especially alina! it's so difficult to get hold of her. *Growls*

I am STUFFED. I feel my stomach has expanded these days. Just last week, I had 4 buffets.. i am soooooo gonna grow fat.

Friday, March 02, 2007

anybody wanna buy 4D?

From 1 jan 2007 to 26 Feb 2007, my mum, my sis and i have all lost our phones for the first time in our lives. I think it's amusing. Odd as it sounds, I kinda glad i lost it now. it's like starting anew. Anyway, i got a new number and a new phone and from March 07 onwards, i'm paying my own phonebills! heh. I know.. odd to be happy over that, but i dunno.. just feels good :)

I'm thinking of buying 4D. I just dunno how to. lol. my last four numbers are 5910.. anybody wanna help? hahah.

another rainy day

i think i have 12 more days till i leave for switz for my student exchange. crap. feel kinda unprepared. excited yet worried. perhaps afraid that i will mess things up there. praying for the best.

I finished my internship exactly one week ago.. finally! haha. but the last month was enjoyable, after i've gotten used to things. Kinda like the place actually. quirky in a way, political too.. but somehow nice. Am interested in doing events in future also, but there are also a lot of other things to consider.

good and bad things have been happening. Still wating for the good good days :)

i was up talking on the phone till 5am last night. feels damn good. it's been a long long while since we talked like that.. even if it meant hearing your 'moses lim' type of stories.

Hope everybody else is doing great. Miss you all. *hugs*