Thursday, November 30, 2006

End of exams! and my new toys

Yippee! i'm finally free! Well sort of (still got do my bp report tmr-bleah). The paper was memory work.. so hopefully i did fine...better if more than fine :)

There is no better way to celebrate the end of exams/term but to go shopping! I spent a whopping $376 today! lol. I went to the IT fair in EXPO first, then went to watch casino royale and did a little shopping in PS. hee.. and guess what.. think i'm a little addicted to IT fairs this year. I kinda like the place.. esp when i go there knowing that i get new toys and that mummy will pay for it. hee.
Anyway, purchases for the day: (in order of purchase)
  • A set of 4 MAC lipgloss. Well.. i'm not sure whether i made the right purchase, considering i hardly use makeup and could have just settled with one tub and half the price. lol. But i like the shimmy shimmy colour. It's the first time in my life that i'm buying makeup! (ok. maybe sounding little bit bimbotic but well ... trying to learn to be a girl. heh. But gonna give one tube to my sis. as payment for loaning makeup when i needed them. :)
  • One really really small and chio black colour 80GB hard disk drive for myself
  • 2 Webcams for my exchange days
  • 1 more normal 60GB Seagate hard disk drive for home use
  • and a blusher! I finally got my blusher! now the only prob is that i can't seem to remember where i put my blusher brush :S the colour is called pixie! haha. i obviously couldn't decide what colour i was supposed to buy, but i seem to have a expert shopping with me. (hint: think of a particular someone who loved to go back to the makeup artist for touchups during Rummage) :P
Now next in my shopping list:
  • Office clothing. since i'm starting work on Monday and i apparently need to wear office wear *sulk*
  • a nice pretty pouch for my hard disk drive cuz those stingy pple there didn't supply one.
now off to play with my new toys!

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