Monday, June 05, 2006

an update

I'm supposed to be updating this blog, by the orders on my president :)

Well.. i've been wanting to do on about my LEGO internship, where i'm a poor little sales girl, being bullied by parents and the Robinson managers! grrr... and I think we are all slowly becoming an expert in repairing LEGO figures... thanx to irritating little brats who do not understand the meaning of "do not touch" and parents who do not know how to discipline their children. The worst case is seeing the adults themselves touching the exhibits itself, some even itchy handed enough to touch the "do not touch"sign. dots.
LEGO damage report:
- missing fingers. lots of exhibits repeatedly showing their third finger
- missing parts in general e.g. figures, harry potter owls blah blah
- fallen railings, precariously placed in position for now
- fallen pipe from smoker's hand, precariously placed in position for now
- 2 shattered heads, repaired by LEGO fan guy
- one fallen camera stand, repaired by me
- broken soccer ball, repaired by sebast
- dismantled helicoptor, repaired by me
and god knows how much more.

Will show pics one day. i'm too lazy to upload, as usual :D

I went to Brix yesterday, it was really great. Fantastic music, nice at tas plas, lots of entertainment (from the tai tai's and their paid dancers and this really long legged crazy horse dancer), great company. I didn't really notice lots of hookers, cuz none of them are pretty.. hahaha. and their taps have warm water!!!
I wanna go again! but must ask Claudine... *Grins* so that we can have nice gossip sessions about the tai tais. haha.
I had my first try with Bachata and Merengue, Geoffrey was teaching me.. pretty interesting. Surprisingly, I didn't feel very uncomfortable.. effects of alcohol? :) But it was uncomfortable having some tai tai placing her hands on my hips and trying to guide them and teach me how to shake them for merengue...

All in all, it was a good night. I got some answers that i needed also last night.
HOpe things will turn out well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey what a great site keep up the work its excellent.