Sunday, February 03, 2008

Photog Workshop + First trip to Chinatown during a CNY period

Being an idle year 4-er, i decided to go for this PhotogWorkshop organised by SMUSAIC last friday and dragged bf along. :) The workshop was about the basics of taking shots of people and it was fun.. thanks to the great company! As you can tell from the below pic, we pretty much spent quite a bit of time fooling around. heh.

Clockwise from top: as Roshni quotes: "DK learns Photography!"; Aaron trying to look big and macho; zm and Aaron er.. being themselves?; Roshni's "I want a DLSR" grin"

After the workshop, Zhimin and I decided to head down to Chinatown to practise what we have learnt! heh. Well.. kind of. We just thought that since it was the CNY period, it was a good opportunity to go down and take a few shots. Zhimin took most of the shots as I was busy getting excited by all the CNY stuff *grins*. Can't blame me lah.. it's a first time experience for me!
As a whole, I think bf took really nice pics that day! So enjoy!

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