Thursday, March 16, 2006

my second attempt at blogging

Haha.. this is my second attempt at blogging.. my first one was done when i was in jc but it only lasted for a month the most i think. guess i'm not used to writing out my thoughts and feelings.
But... recently feel the sudden urge to try bloggin. This is probably triggered by a few points:

1) Attempting to maintain the caderas latinas blog - which i failed miserably
2) Applying for internship - well.. one of the job requiremtns for NHB was to be blog savvy. And since i've proved to suck at it (see pt 1), thought maybe i should start experimenting around
3) Been having more and more random thoughts in my head. Stuff that would be too troublesome to go into my diary, but i wouldn't mind penning them down.
4) I just want to write more! hopefully it will improve my writing skills...

So this is it!

P.S I so luuurrvve the template. green, female yet solid, and abstractish. haha. thanks whoever that made it. :)

happy rain

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