Friday, April 10, 2009

the real thing

my ‘project’ for the last week…Finally my RC car is done! All I need to do now is to add the  windows, lights, side mirrors etc etc to make it look like a real car! *beams*

Have yet to test the car out.. but so far.. it is moving quite straight but not entirely straight :(  Hopefully I will have the time to play with it tomorrow though I have to write another report this weekend.

Ack! my dad just asked me why i choose such an indian colour. sad.

Those who know me well will probably wonder why i chose pink!!?? so not me right? what to do.. ah lian blood beginning to show. lol!

I’m so happy. Thanks bf for helping me today.. doubt I would be able to finish it if he didn’t help.


work area!

more photos can be found on

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