Sunday, July 27, 2008

argh! getting complains from peeps at my horrendously boring blog that hasn't had a new entry in the last erm 2 weeks? in fact, someone decide to point out my obviously outdated "want" list and hence i've updated it. bleah.

to my dearest sis, if you ever happen to have the time to glance at my blog from HK.. i'm so sorry i haven't post up my commencement peeektures as promised!!! will do so erm... soon. *i hope*. Hope you're enjoying yourself :)

on a side note, i had a happening weekend. went to st james for the first time on friday night with the office peeps. ended up at dragonfly which pretty much = weird chinese music band, nice mambo-ish music when band not playing and a lot of old males who have conveniently forgotten their age when they stare at girls that are half their age. oh! and plus a guy that has the worst pick up lines EVER. other than that, i did enjoy myself as i saw a different side of the peeps in office. didn't really get closer to them though. on the other hand, i spent my whole evening talking to this lady who used to work at crystaltime as the brand manager. it was fantastic talking to her and glad i got to know her.. . how i wish she was still in this company. would probably feel more motivated about my job.

yesh. making friends in this company is super difficult. it feels like war out there, where one side is just telling me bad stuff about the other stuff. honestly speaking.. before i even start getting much work done, the mood/office culture there just kills any optimism i have. it's draining hearing about complains, silent wars, getting shouted at for no reason. sigh. just hope things will get better.
focus on the right stuff, miss chan.

Saturday night, i hung out with my two cousins at pump room. awesome band. awesome clubbing music. it's a wonderful mix altogether. people there don't try to pick you up and are there to just enjoy the music. my cousins are crazy. and i think they are one of the best male clubbers there are out there. they actually dance according to the music! the three of us (who were also prob the 3 youngest in the room) were on the podium for like a couple of hours and having a awesome time. i also see the traits of my loud and boisterous uncles in them, especially when they start singing at the top of their voices together with the band. i had a great laugh. really look forward to hanging out with them again.

Aside from my two happening nights, I spent the rest of my days over the weekend trying really hard to feel energetic despite 2 late nights. I managed to drop by the gym for a pathetic run (forced by mummy), pack up my room and watch ballet under the stars with bf.

a great weekend i must say. considering how boring my life usually is. am dreading tmr quite badly. though.

pics should be out soon lah. all in my computer waiting to be shown. haha.

Sunday, July 06, 2008

A stepping stone

I finally managed to get a job. at long last. and before commencement. *phew*
i have to admit it ain't exactly my dream job (below than ave pay, traditional chinese company culture, no friends as of yet, no where near my friends or sis's workplace), but it's the jobscope and the learning experience that i'm attracted to. It is really a marketing job, focusing on branding and promotional activities for a couple of fashion watch brands. so yups!
just hope things will get better and of course, hope i can do it. haha.

Tuesday, July 01, 2008


Changi Beach 091 bf on bike :)

Changi Beach 090 me on bike =)

Changi Beach 075 boats @ ferry terminal

Changi Beach 093 edited

classic bench shot

Changi Beach 102 edited

cool tree

Changi Beach 101

obviously not the only couple around

Changi Beach 117 edited

love this (taken by zm)

Changi Beach 120 edited

Love this too. Though the bike is a bit distracting in this pic, it's the only shot with the cat looking at the camera. haha. i think its black patch on the nose makes it unique.(taken by zm)

Changi Beach 125 edited


Changi Beach 135

the sea was gorgeous that day. it actually looked more blue than green for once!

Changi Beach 138 edited

it was fun watching the planes approach head on (somewhat) towards us from far and pass right above us. unfortunately, taking airplanes at close distances require skill that both zm and i kinda lacked. still i think he did a better job than me for this one (see below).

Changi Beach 107

Changi Beach 144pondering (taken by zm)

Changi Beach 161

i like this :) zm's footsteps while trying to get a good shot of the beach

Changi Beach 164 editedomg

Changi Beach 166 edited

*grins foolishly*

Changi Beach 170

Changi Beach 186

emo shot

Changi Beach 202 edited no cyclists around, but got police car

Changi Beach 217

checking out my unpro cycling skills

Changi Beach 226 night time (taken by zm)

Changi Beach 123 warmify

finally.. our standard self portrait and dinner :)

Changi Beach 236