Friday, October 05, 2007

Facebook's Little Treats

As we all know, Facebook is currently the latest craze around, even our Profs and parents are beginning to use Facebook. (which is a funky yet scary thought). Although I've been holding on to a Facebook account since god knows when, I only started using it during my exchange because a) it was easier to post photos b) it the was the common medium used among the students, whether you are from Hong Kong, Switzerland, Canada, or Argentina. And only from last week, I finally started addressing that whole long list of invites on the right side of my homepage. It was kinda scary how it kept getting longer and longer as more and more programs get introduced to Facebook. I used to think that it was a list of stupid and complicating programs, and was wondering why my friends were spamming me. But as I started to explore the extensive list, I realised that I was getting addicted to these little ingenious add-ons!

In the last week, I started buying people drinks and pastries, decorating other peeps rooms (and working on mine), played pac man, and adopted a fluffy white tiger (which I haven’t figured out what I’m supposed to do with it. Lol)
I seriously think that by introducing these interactive little programs, Facebook has successfully evolved from the Friendster era. It’s not just a platform to connect people, but enables us to interact and shower bits and pieces of love to others. After all, there is no denying that it’s difficult to meet all our friends during school term, doesn’t mean we cease all contact.  I just wish that they allow me to mass reject invites though… there is only ‘this’ amount of add-ons I need on my Facebook.

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