Monday, November 02, 2009

My May Flower

it used to bloom every May in time for my birthday. But since it moved to the new house.. it's been really rare and random.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

an update of some sorts

life is good. i can’t possibly ask for more right?

i live in a happy home. i have loving retired & self sufficient parents who finally can relax and do the things they truly enjoy.

i have a job that so far has treated me really well.. perhaps bit too well. haha. they have faith in me and give me opportunities. people are nice in general (no crazy hate politics as per previous job). I’m not stressed (as of yet but soon to change… FINALLY!).  Finally received my sales territory today so it’s soon gonna be lots of awkwardness and bad learning experiences for me. Gee. I sound so optimistic. well.. i hope it will turn out good. i really have to end my slacking days.

I meet my fav girls every week now (not that they know that they’re my fav girls), cuz of the upcoming performance. it is something i look forward to: hanging out with them and preparing for a performance. so yay!

I drive all the time now. Can’t remember the last time I took public transport. For the first time, i’m topping up my own cashcard and have to buy carpark coupons. Yikes. I am lucky to have a cute blue beetle to drive everywhere.

Parents give me the freedom that i need, finally. I can’t go partying all night but it’s now at a more reasonable level. Coming stayover at a chalet for consecutive 2 nights is going to be a first for me. As long as I’m reasonable, i don’t get much nagging. Took me 24 years to get this.

I have friends that care for me.

I have a boyfriend who tolerates a lot of my ugly nonsense.

what more can i ask for right?



yet i still feel empty sometimes. empty.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

random, again


just fooling around with picasa again.

pic: classroom in st. gallen with two profs.
reminds me of some sci-fi movie where the research subject wakes up on a research table and sees blurred images of doctors looking at some info. lol. k. i'm being lame.

monday blues...
Posted by Picasa

Sunday, May 17, 2009

there is always these things i wanna do and i keep thinking of doing them at the back of my head. i want to exercise. i should focus on getting abs, slimmer bod. i should read up more so that i can learn faster at my job. i should memorise the information so that i won’t have to keep asking around. i should improve my chinese and read the many books i have on my bookshelf. i should fix my rc car. i should add the spoiler to my car soon. i should print my holiday pics and put them in the photo album. i will do it tonight. i will do it this weekend.

but the fact is. i don’t do it. i end up watching tv. i end up surfing the internet. i end up chatting on the phone. that really sucks.

another attempt to work on my to do list. hope i’ll be able to achieve some of it this time.

Saturday, May 02, 2009

My Tassie Trip

Date: 4-11 February 2009
(In Melbourne 11-13 February 2009)

FINALLY! my tassie pics are up! The pretty and fancy scenic pictures are found on the other blog - Below are the memorable but less glam pics with all the awesome food ;)

Part I Highlights:
- Apple & Heritage Museum - Huon Valley
- Kate's Berry Farm
- Freycinet - best 2 night stay and lobster

Part II Highlights:
- Picnic with the seagulls
- Vineyard and berry farms
- Cradle mountain

Till now, i would say that the most memorable meal i had in prevous Melbourne was the Lavender scones from the farm. Think this trip, it would be the meal at Christmas Hills Rasberry Farm. I think it was the simply awesome. Kate's berry farm might be more popular as they are better established on the web, but the Raspberry Cafe (see below) had a much better food menu.

Monday, April 27, 2009

brown eyes

First it was the blue hair extensions. Now I have brown eyes! heh.

I guess I suddenly feel that I’m not gonna stay young for long or something and now keen to do such weird stuff here and there. Unfortunately, i allowed the two really young promo girls choose the colour for me and voila. I have really fake brown eyes. geez. what was I thinking? I am getting used to it… but can’t say the same for my mum who went “Eeeeee!! so scary!” zm also looks mildly disturbed by them.


Well, now i have to wear the contact lens for 2 months. purchase made, can’t waste it right? :)


On a side note. my eyes now remind me of the cover image of the book “Tiger Eyes” by Judy Blume that i have at home since young. Unfortunately, i can’t seem to find a larger image of this cover online.

This is a book that i hold quite close to my heart. For those who always liked to make fun about my blog addy, this is where it came from.  If you have read the book before, I suppose you will sort of understand my feelings and thoughts when i started this personal blog.

[note: my life is obviously nowhere as tragic but just feel for the protagonist quite a bit]

Saturday, April 18, 2009

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photo taken in Tasmania. was playing around with the contrast settings on the com.  love the harshness of it.

Friday, April 10, 2009

the real thing

my ‘project’ for the last week…Finally my RC car is done! All I need to do now is to add the  windows, lights, side mirrors etc etc to make it look like a real car! *beams*

Have yet to test the car out.. but so far.. it is moving quite straight but not entirely straight :(  Hopefully I will have the time to play with it tomorrow though I have to write another report this weekend.

Ack! my dad just asked me why i choose such an indian colour. sad.

Those who know me well will probably wonder why i chose pink!!?? so not me right? what to do.. ah lian blood beginning to show. lol!

I’m so happy. Thanks bf for helping me today.. doubt I would be able to finish it if he didn’t help.


work area!

more photos can be found on

my display car – Nissan GTR Skyline


added the necessities
- pending more modifications


my display car in room :)

Monday, April 06, 2009



always an IJ girl at heart.
and I’m sure I speak for a lot of IJ girls ;)

note: pic was taken not too long ago. I still have a decent p.e. shirt in my cupboard!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

nice song. sad song. sad video.

Don’t forget me
Don’t regret me
Don’t suspend me
Don’t neglect me

The memory of this still reminds me of you
The memory of this still reminds
The memory of this still reminds me of you
And that is where you’ll find me

on a lighter note. youtube has a grey's anatomy and buffy version of the song. my personal fav is the buffy & angel version,i think it suits the song.. the way it was put together. i'm sure all buffy fans will feel emo about it (yesh, i watched every season of buffy).

Accusations always hurt.

but sometimes it comes with learning points and sets one back on track.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Rock Band


A gathering organised purely on facebook. and we played for 3 and half hours straight without realising! To good old days and many more interesting ones to come. Hope our plans for a cruise trip together can materialize! :)

Monday, March 02, 2009

Sunset in Tasmania


Took this photo in Tassie. the best sunset i’ve ever seen. wild. happy. i didn’t need anybody else. i was happy to be there alone. taking in everything. and that all that was there was mine, and mine alone. orange glow everywhere, waves pounding against the rocks, wind threatening to blow me down and yet a tinge of calm some distance away. i loved everything and shouted in joy as i felt my heart race together with the surroundings.

i want to be back there again.

i used to open up so much more on this blog. my thoughts, my feelings, my loves.

maybe i should try doing so again.

maybe it’s just not possible anymore.

cuz as years pass, we don’t think so innocently and life becomes more complicated.

my heart aches. for many reasons.

i don’t want to sleep. i want to be outside. feel the cold night air. i want more.

but alas. there is work tomorrow.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Aperture, Reverberations

Started a new blog with a good friend of mine. It will be a blog about music and photos. go and take a look!

i guess most of my photo posts will be there, but it will be more selective. my thoughts, my happenings will still be on this blog - despite my really slow updates. so what you waiting for! go check it out! :)

Friday, January 30, 2009


yup. been a while since i’ve blogged again. Guess that’s what happens when there is work, plus i’ve beginning to start working on another blog… meaning, i might just stop writing entries on this blog.

Meanwhile, Happy Lunar New Year! wanna share some happy pics taken during cny :)

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grandma and weiling - a really adorable and very active distant cousin

my sis didn’t open her eyes properly here. to remind all that her eyes are huge unlike mine.. the second pic:


blur but very cute pic of the little one passing a box of sweets to my sis and saying “open! open”

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julian bullying my sis! hee






my very young and trendy parents! (loves daddy’s pink shirt!)

view from uncle’s place. yummy

something i found in my cousin’s room

IMG_0236 secret life

IMG_0246 classic case of bad influence. cousin teaching other cousins how to gamble

IMG_0277 there is always time for a pic :)

IMG_0225 my dearest sis