Thursday, August 07, 2008

Graduation Dinner Celebration Highlight 2


greedy looking sis :)

my awesome gelato. best pistachio ice cream i've ever ever had. super smooth, super natural taste *craves*

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Graduation dinnner celebration - Highlight 1

Romantic Fireworks! (just missing the romantic other half)

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Graduation dinner celebration

didn't really fancy my home made pasta

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A day that is special for family. for us students... it's a day of wearing a gown and taking peektures. haha. I barely took any shots on the actualy day.. was too tired from the previous night plus mummy wasn't feeling well so i disappeared right after. sad. didn't manage to take shots with many of my friends.
i think i look weird in the gown. so don't look like a graduate at all. :S

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