Sunday, August 19, 2007

School starts tomorrow!!!!

@ 8.30am!

so screwed lah... dunno whether i can get up or not. haha. First day of school... still seems scary even though i'm forth year. How pathetic right? oh wells...

first week of school doesn't look that positive to me... like I never had to do so many things in a week for some time! Sigh.. the hazards of exchange. It took me lots of courage to walk into my parents room just now to tell my mum that I won't be home from Monday to Friday for dinner cuz of dance. I'm quite sure that's a record breaker. It's amazing that i managed to walk out of the room without mishaps. heh.

Was looking through my course outlines yesterday and it looks so damn heavy! My st gallen mods look absolutely puny compared to these... help! Oh well.. hope i can handle it! I've been too spoilt for the past 8 months. lol.

Year 4.. feel like an oldie. one more year of school to enjoy :)

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

new skin... again

yup yup.. i know.. look as if i got a lot of time again :S
think white-based skins still suits me better...well.. at least i can post bigger pics now! heh.
anybody by chance know how to add 'comment' links to the posts?

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Happy National Day!! heh. i'm tempted to wear red and white today after seeing loads of school children doing so yesterday. maybe i should :) Anyway, planning to catch the fireworks later.. hope it's possible... heard its good.. and i must say that i fell in love with them ever since 2005's NDP. zm's trying hard to find a good spot. *hugs*

i had prata at jalan kayu with my parents yesterday and since it was an eve of public holiday, we had to wait like 45 mins for our prata to come. I suspect they ran out of dough or something. :S Our drinks didn't even come so eventually I went to get them myself. haha. I suppose there's nothing different about the crowd at kayu... groups of peeps my age or older hanging out and families with kids in pajamas. But what I really can't get out of my head is seeing an Indian foreign worker who walked past the place wearing a singlet with the words "Track & Field C.H.I.J" at the back of it! It's just weird!!! I know I have passed some of my IJ tennis shirts to my maid to send back to the Philippines and it's likely that some guy is wearing them (cuz most of our tennis tops then were guy cut), but that's not so weird if our school isn't there right? oh well...

Monday, August 06, 2007

I bought a new lappie! well.. not really.. just paid the deposit cuz it's not in stock yet. just hope it comes soon. I dunno about you guys, but my ibm has become really really slow!!! It managed to survive St Gallen's pace of life during the past term, but i really doubt it can here. i have no idea why it's so jialat, but my mum and sis got frustrated using it and thus i got the budget and approval to look for another one! heh. I'm just glad i managed to find a cheap deal: $1499 cuz of some student promotion. The perks of being a student :) ..... one more year to enjoy it!

I was at first considering the macbook student promo (especially since i just lost my 1 year old ipod *grumble*) but i suppose this lappie offered a price and specs that i couldn't resist. Not to mention that i'm only gonna use it for another year and probably gonna be a spare home computer so it has to be one that everybody can use. so anyway.. yippee!

Moving on.. had a great dinner with my parents recently, grilled western food! It was in our garden with nice cool breeze. Sometimes i really do love my home environment - I think it's the perfect cosy restaurant. Was joking with my parents that we should start a one table per night dinner restaurant at our place, no need to pay rental. heh.

Menu: salad, grilled prawns and chicken, nice warm soft and crunchy bread, red wine..... and ended off with ice cream and peppermint tea! all in the comforts of my home... jealous? hee

About today...
nothin much actually, just went for dance... and i really lack stamina. Was kinda panting just after one run through.. pathetic. Not really sure whether I'll be performing the item though.. things seem to be a bit messy, but i'm just glad to be back dancing. I can't help wishing that i've been around to learn or the new items with the rest of the girls.. but we can't have everything right? At least this is a lot less stressful. heh.

Zhimin and I bumped into 2 students from St Gallen today. Kinda cool, especially since both of them were my classmates last term. zm says that somehow he feels 'more at home' after seeing them and misses the german accent. lol. aiyoh... that boy is ready to migrate there already. I suppose it's true to a certain extent... glad to see them.. but home is home. :P Anyway, pity the exchange students coming this term. Housing rental is sooooo high now.... definitely affect budget. They got a river valley apartment for $2600 a month I think. I'm quite sure it was probably $2000 or less for last term's students. Then again, that probably won't really affect students coming from Europe in general.. just the Asian students. tsk tsk... unfair world :P

heh. it's 1.38am and i'm spending my time playing simple pretty games. I'm pretty bad at it though. but it's so pretty!!!! heee. this one is called winterbells.
okay. i know.. it's girl thing :) but bf is playing it too :P
but for those who are bored at internship or sth, no harm having some pleasant fun :)

Thursday, August 02, 2007

this was taken on the same day but the rain started forming from the afternoon. after seeing this, i could really picture how rain just spreads out from the mountain regions all the way to the sea. Well.. watching Planet Earth helped too :) I honestly think that this is the most gorgeous and scariest rain I've seen. Just look at how the clouds form!!

swiss army knifes. cool right?
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this is pretty much a waterfall in the mountain/cliff. I think that at times it looks like a huge toilet bowl with the water flushing down. heh. in a way, it doesn't look that impressive, but the impact of rushing water in an enclosed area is pretty poweful.

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Hotel Staubbach

morning walk

my little japanese mum (she's really proud of her japanese-made umbrella)

wish i can do that
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cows!!!! and cowbells :P

candid shot by sis

the Lauterbrunnen Valley. there are 72 waterfalls that lead to this valley. gorgeous right?

Staubbach Falls. Waterfall just outside my hotel.
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this is what happens when the clouds pass by... visibility almost down to zero!

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feels like a different world altogether being up there...

little doggie taking walk in snow :)

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Wednesday, August 01, 2007