Thursday, May 25, 2006


all i got was a msn msg.

why haven't i gotten your call?

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

My last day as a non-adult...

was bad.

Okay. There were nice moments. Thanks to the people around me.

SOOOOooo. Despite having crappy cramps that refused to disappear even after consuming panadol, lacking sleep, being feverish, painfully numb feet and a horrendously slow day at work, there were sweet moments.

The LEGO cum SMU interns - Nic aka Hamtaro, Sebast aka Tweety Bird, Zhihui (currently still nicknameless) - made arrangements to get me a birthday cake from Awfully Chocolate for me during work! This was in collaboration with our boss and the Robinson staff… so sweet right? I mean… they didn’t have to. So thanks lots guys *hugs* Though I horrendously looked like crap the whole day. Thanks for being so nice and covering up for me when I couldn’t tahan already.

they insist that i look like a sheep/lamb

It was fun having the cake, especially since we were kinda worried about being seen by the Robinson managers, and had an incomplete b’day song cause a customer came to make payment *chuckle*. But it was still nice. Heh.

Of course my dinner with family was nice also. Went to this at this place opposite the national library. The waiter that served us suck, but everybody else was really nice. Food was fantastic…. Unfortunately couldn’t enjoy it to the fullest as I was really toooo tired and stomach didn’t feel too good. That’s pretty much the last day of my non adult hood. Heh. Now left with 35 mins.

Just to share some of my birthday party pics. celebrated on the 20th.

Really sad that I couldn’t spend time with everybody, but the setting was splendid. Thanks to bf, family, and some friends. J It was really beautiful. Glad I still have this house at this point of time. I think everybody enjoyed the food. Heh.

Friday, May 12, 2006

dancing in the driveway

Teaching salsa.
Dark with nice warm lights,
amongst tall pine trees.
little kisses here and there.
been some time since we had pure laughter.
a beautiful moment.
but mixed feelings still linger in my heart.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

I want to dance

It's a Sunday night and i'm stuck at home alone! This sucks. and i hate being alone

My friends are at Brix salsa-ing to live music!!! LIVE music. *urgh* I want to be there... and the music sounds soooo good. I hate this feeling of being stuck at home when my heart wants to be somewhere. I remember those times in secondary school, when the weather is so fine, and every inch of my body just want to be out there hitting the ball, playing tennis. And yet because my mum didn't allow, I would be stuck at home sulking. I will feel so sad, as if missing out in a wonderful experience. People might wonder why get upset over something that you will know you will have another chance to go.. to dance or to play tennis. Yet there is a difference. To have the mood, to have the right conditions, makes each session a difference. You don't get a sunny day with a nice breeze, with the people you love there all the time. You don't play a good game or dance well everyday. urgh.

Shall just watch grey's anatomy and cry my heart out. bleah

And I am aching like crraaaaazy again. this time my whole upper body. plus two really black bruises on my knees. Thanks to cartwheels and tornados. but it's fun :)