Friday, December 29, 2006

End of the year post

Apologise for the lack of updates, i don't exactly spend a lot of time online these days. :P

I'm now interning at Quebec Leisure, currently doing events at Downtown East. yes.. Downtown east.. where all the little kids and families go and spend their weekends. bleah. (P.S.Calling out to all easterners.. visit me for lunch!!! haha. my lunch break is from 1-2pm. Probably can stretch up to 2.30pm.. depending on whether i busy or not.)

So pretty much.. my working hours are 10am to 7pm. It's nice cuz I don't have to wake up so early. But kinda irritating cuz i'm starving by the time i reach home (about 8+ pm) and I actually lose my appetite. Eat dinner, wash up... 9+pm? And i happily spend my rest of my days watching Bleach!!! hee. I'm addicted. So yup! no time for updates!! haha. I'm just lazy. :P

2 more days to the new year. I'll spending my new year eve in Downtown East working. bleah. Let me know if you are miraculously going there. haha.

This year has been a tough year. For me, and many others around me. Hope 2007 will be good to all of us.

End of the year post

Apologise for the lack of updates, i don't exactly spend a lot of time online these days. :P

I'm now interning at Quebec Leisure, currently doing events at Downtown East. yes.. Downtown east.. where all the little kids and families go and spend their weekends. bleah. (P.S.Calling out to all easterners.. visit me for lunch!!! haha. my lunch break is from 1-2pm. Probably can stretch up to 2.30pm.. depending on whether i busy or not.)

So pretty much.. my working hours are 10am to 7pm. It's nice cuz I don't have to wake up so early. But kinda irritating cuz i'm starving by the time i reach home (about 8+ pm) and I actually lose my appetite. Eat dinner, wash up... 9+pm? And i happily spend my rest of my days watching Bleach!!! hee. I'm addicted. So yup! no time for updates!! haha. I'm just lazy. :P

2 more days to the new year. I'll spending my new year eve in Downtown East working. bleah. Let me know if you are miraculously going there. haha.

This year has been a tough year. For me, and many others around me. Hope 2007 will be good to all of us.

Thursday, November 30, 2006

End of exams! and my new toys

Yippee! i'm finally free! Well sort of (still got do my bp report tmr-bleah). The paper was memory work.. so hopefully i did fine...better if more than fine :)

There is no better way to celebrate the end of exams/term but to go shopping! I spent a whopping $376 today! lol. I went to the IT fair in EXPO first, then went to watch casino royale and did a little shopping in PS. hee.. and guess what.. think i'm a little addicted to IT fairs this year. I kinda like the place.. esp when i go there knowing that i get new toys and that mummy will pay for it. hee.
Anyway, purchases for the day: (in order of purchase)
  • A set of 4 MAC lipgloss. Well.. i'm not sure whether i made the right purchase, considering i hardly use makeup and could have just settled with one tub and half the price. lol. But i like the shimmy shimmy colour. It's the first time in my life that i'm buying makeup! (ok. maybe sounding little bit bimbotic but well ... trying to learn to be a girl. heh. But gonna give one tube to my sis. as payment for loaning makeup when i needed them. :)
  • One really really small and chio black colour 80GB hard disk drive for myself
  • 2 Webcams for my exchange days
  • 1 more normal 60GB Seagate hard disk drive for home use
  • and a blusher! I finally got my blusher! now the only prob is that i can't seem to remember where i put my blusher brush :S the colour is called pixie! haha. i obviously couldn't decide what colour i was supposed to buy, but i seem to have a expert shopping with me. (hint: think of a particular someone who loved to go back to the makeup artist for touchups during Rummage) :P
Now next in my shopping list:
  • Office clothing. since i'm starting work on Monday and i apparently need to wear office wear *sulk*
  • a nice pretty pouch for my hard disk drive cuz those stingy pple there didn't supply one.
now off to play with my new toys!

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

one down, one more to go! yippee.
my prof's weird. on our last page of our paper, he wrote in huge fonts:
" That's the end! Bye!!!!!!!!"

liar. still got one more project that needs to be submitted to him.

can't wait for thursday. what should i do. what should i do!!?? hee

Monday, November 27, 2006

i went through an old friend's blog.. reading her entries from july to now.

sometimes i miss the old days.
and it's sad to see so many of these are lost.
it's sad to see the status that we are now.
rabbit. dugong. cow.
what happened to that?

the three of us supported each other in many ways, yet also subtlely hurting each other so much that we gave up and move on.

well. i hope to go over and play with your new doggie one day. and a nice heart to heart talk to catch up the lost days.


you asked me why i am afriad of losing my friends.
you say that you know your true friends will always be with you no matter what.
but i know that like many other things, without proper care, it can get damaged. it can get lost. so even if it's still around, it might never be the same again.
I was going through my recent photos.. taking a break from my studying. Looking at these, i realised how much i love you girls. :)

Thursday, November 23, 2006

the lack of studying

I haven't been studying at all!!!!! sooooobbbb.

As an irresponsible girl, i'm gonna attribute that as a result of me hanging out with a person who doesn't seem to need to study. *sulk*

cannot take it. technically speaking, i only got 2 papers. BUT they are both OM Modules. both essay and short answered qns. both closed book and no cheat sheet. how disgusting is that??

+ 1 report and 1 assignment due this friday. another report due next week.

incorrigible profs :(

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Sock shopping!

I went sock shopping on Saturday!! haha. the only shop i entered on saturday!
It is at this shop on the ground floor of far east, pretty narrow. I bought 3 pairs, he bought 1 pair, (it was 4 for $10) and we both got a hp pouch-cum-sock each! ('s somewhat matching :P) haha. i never had a fancy for these hp thingys, but my mum has been complaining about the horrendous state that my phone is in, so thought i might as well. :)

It's been a zillion years since i bought socks. Probably since my jc days when i wore shoes almost everyday. Other than that, my mum's been randomnly supplying me with them since she got the habit of buying socks when she can't find or have no time to find anything for me when she's overseas. :) (speaking of which, she's in hongkong, and she just told me that she bought another 2 pairs for me)

well.. all i'm trying to say is that i love my socks! after my exams, i shall clear what i have, and see whether i got room to buy more. *grins*

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

my sister's big day

i bought the pillow! pretty? plus it suits the garden theme!

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it was drizzling throughout the ceremony, so it was kinda rushed. heh. The paper that had to be submitted back to the registry was peppered with raindrops. :)

loved the flowers lots!

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Tuesday, November 14, 2006

fooling around with the camera...

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Monday, November 06, 2006


please don't rain.
i really don't want to have the ROM in the house. *pout* Will spoil the whole effect.
I'm tired. want to sleep.. but have to wait for the wedding guy to come. I'm sure i can have a little nap right? hee
Phone keeps ringing! irritating.

crap mummy just woke up. so much for my little nap.

Friday, November 03, 2006



why does our life involve making so many choices?

I'm tired. I feel as if I've made so many important choices and decisions in the last few months. sometimes it's the right choice. sometimes it's the wrong one. and most draining of them all - choices that you will never know whether it's right or wrong. And once you made a decision, it doesn't meant that you are done with it, you can leave it as it is. We have to bear the consequences of it.

I was so glad that i finally got myself an internship. it is so demoralising that it's so difficult for me to get one, so even though i didn't get this though my own capabilities, i was relieved. happy. excited. enticipation.

but now
i dread it.

i'm forced to make another choice. the internship requires too much commitment. i have to decide where to put my time. my friends. my family. my boyfriend. myself. dance. I want all, but it's impossible to. It's not fair. Somehow it feels as if i made the wrong decision to take up the internship in the first place.

Monday, October 30, 2006

Stop Wasting Time

My mum put an article titled "Stop Wasting Time" on my desk a couple of weeks ago. Well, she's obviously trying to put across a point to me, but i shall prentend to be a little dense and not get it :P
Anyway, I just thought I'll share the contents of the article, since it's project peak time and the exams are just looming round the corner.

Efficient vs Effective
hich should we work on first?
Efficiency menas doing things right
Effectiveness means doing the right things
The best answer is to improve your effectiveness first as it is much better to aim your sights at the results than to worry about the process. Too often, people get bogged down in the menas and lose sight of the end.

Eliminating Time Wasters
some problem areas common to most people:
  • scheduling less impt work before more impt work
  • starting a job b4 thinking it through
  • leaving jobs b4 they are complicated
  • doing things that can be delegated to another person
  • doing things that actually are not a part of your real job
  • failing to build barriers against interruptions
  • socialising at great length between tasts
  • handling too wide a variety of duties
haha. i so do many of these...

Setting Priorities
1) Parkinson's Law: work tends to expand to fill the time allotted for its completion. Therefore, setting priorities is very important. If you do not know what your priorities are, your other work will expand to fill in the extra time -- hence taking you longer to accomplish less.

2) Pareto's Principle: 80% of your results come from 20% of your efforts

Using a 'to do' list
According to them...
  • the list gotta define a specific amount of time (if possible) for each activity to prevent the work from 'expanding'.
  • activities should also be listed in order of priority
  • it is helpful to spell out the result as well as the process. Stating when, where and what you are going to do increases your chances of doing it successfully.
  • As the days goes by, check off completed activites and make any notes that seem relevant. In the evening, make out a new list for the next day and include any activites you could not complete the day before. Always save your lists for future reference and evaluation.

Friday, October 27, 2006

Vietnam pics

Boring BP class, so here i am updating my blog again. I went to Vietnam in early September. A very slow and free & easy kind of trip, but i enjoyed it and spent time taking lots of pics. So here's some to share :)

my bestest and fav pics of vietnam

pic 1 - nice hot guy just happened to turn his head when i took the pic! *grins*
pic 2 - night shot of semi-roundabout of ho chi minh, beside the river. was taken from the roof of the hotel
pic 3 - young nuns, wearing the traditional vietnamese hat, walking through the grounds of the citadel, Hue

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i like this pic. I was pretty much following behind my parents most of the time in the streets of Ho Chi Minh, cuz i was busy snapping pics here and there. And this is a simple shot of my mum and dad, being a nice sweet couple even at this age. I hope my married life would be like that too in future. :)
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Thursday, October 26, 2006

A city full of crafts

My mum and I had a wonderful time shopping and looking at crafts in Ho Chi Minh. Unlike most places, each shop offered something different - embroidery, cards, imitations of famous paintings, Vienamnese paintings, baskets, lacquer ware etc. Okay, maybe not EACH shop, there is no doubt that are repetitions here and there, plus some imitations, but there was enough variety to satisfy us :)
And for those who just like shopping for clothes, there are a couple of places where you can get them. I only managed to get 2 tops and a skirt, but my bro buys loads back. (not that i'm complaining, since i get nice stuff from him. heh.)

p.s. ALINA ROX! :)
(disclaimer: the owner of the blog did not write that statement)
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The second last emperor of the Nguyen Dynasty. He was a very small sized guy who was very interested in French culture. So his tomb has a mixture of culture. Famous for being the 'puppet' emperor in history texts, what is not really known is that he is also homosexual and vain. In fact, he went to France and requested for replicas of himself to be made. :)
But i think that it is because of these factors, his tomb is the most impressive and has the most architectural value in Hue.

A common sight in all the tomb compounds.

The Citadel

Hue, the old capital of Vietnam
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Vietnam sights - Ho Chi Minh, people
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Vietnam sights
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Vietnam sights - Post Office, Ho Chi Minh
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I LUURRRVVEEee Vietnam food!

Wednesday, October 11, 2006


It's fun to do wedding stuff. Like choosing where to get your wedding gowns, deciding the theme of it, looking at wedding magazines, going to wedding shops. White is a beautiful colour, and it makes shopping pleasant.

No worries, I'm not planning to get married yet :)

My sister is ROMing early next month, and I sort of been helping out with minor arrangements. It will be in our house, in the garden. We got some guy to help do the decor. He has shown some promising stuff in his photos, but at the same time, I don't trust him in certain factors. Like he doesn't give the wedding image. I just hope he does a good job. haha. Anyway, the theme for the day is lilac. It's gonna be all lilac flowers. yippee! Not that i like lilac, but i still think it's better than pink! *grins* I went to a some internet bride forum the other day, and it's facinating! It's where all the kan cheong brides-to-be gather to seek advice and contacts from each other. Some talk about their nerves, some fret about the big dinner they are planning, plenty are looking for shops with good ROM dresses. I found a pretty wedding ring pillow at the site and actually met the lady in tanjong pagar mrt to buy it from her! haha. I got ideas on how to write a proper wedding invitation from there too.

It's been fun. Yet i cannot imagine myself having to plan for my wedding for one whole year. Most people have their weddings about a year after their solemnisation. I think that's weird. It's like postponing the celebration of a big event. I think it throws away the kick or the high you get from being a MRS. I also don't like the fact that there are some stigmas or 'proper procedures' to weddings. Like my sister had to get a nice glam dress just for her ROM. I want mine to be nice, casual, maybe cutesy. haha. It has to be comfortable, not just another glam dress to don on. The stoopid wedding guy doesn't approve of such a notion though. But this is the practical Singapore way, and I won't be surprised that I might end up following them in future.

Anyway, below is the invitation I made for my sis for her ROM. She insisted on suzy zoo. :P